Real Estate Services


What Kind of Life Would You Like to Lead?

Our team has experience assessing, designing, and managing landscapes throughout Costa Rica. From the dry forests of the Pacific Coast to the wet tropics of the Caribbean basin, we know this country well and we are actively invested in learning more about this country and its ecosystems every day. Porvenir Design can help you find land that suits you project’s unique needs. We offer land assessment and evaluation for current land owners, and transparent evaluation of purchasing opportunities for those seeking space of their own. We have worked with farmers, hotels, homesteaders, and educational organizations throughout the country. Our goal is to help our clients make informed decisions based on their context and long term vision for their lives. We are dedicated to respecting the indigenous history of this country and to working within the legal and ethical framework of this place and its people.

Where to Begin?

Making a long term decision about land management is tough; ask Porvenir Design for help and save yourself valuable time and energy. Our team specializes in helping create long term visions for the individual contexts of our clients. We do personalized work that allows our clients to move in the right direction at a pace that suits their needs. Specifically, our team can tell you if and how you can accomplish your goals on a given piece of land. Step one is contacting our team!

If you already know that you are interested in seeking land to steward for the long term in Costa Rica, filling out this simple questionnaire will give us a better idea of your interests. Once we understand what you are seeking, we can better direct our efforts to help.

Our Services

Our team is well connected in Costa Rica; if you need a service that that we can’t do ourselves, we can find the folks that can. Among other services, we offer:

  • Pre-purchase property assessment for sellers or buyers: does this land work for what you want to accomplish?

  • Mapping, surveying, and planning services

  • Water resource study and assessment and legal concession work

  • Land purchasing processes: escrow establishment, legal requirements, and more

  • Ecological reviews and potential limits on development possibilities

  • Rapid assessment of land development costs

  • Land search in general: connecting you with the geography that suit your needs