
12 Syntropic Farming Tips & Tricks + New Courses

12 Syntropic Farming Tips & Tricks + New Courses

Over the last few years of studying, designing and installing syntropic agroforestry systems, I have picked up a few small tips and tricks. Some of these are very practical and specific to species or management, others are based around the design concepts and principles. Regardless, I hope they provide some insights so that your work might move forward in succession.

Permaculture Due Diligence Workshop

Permaculture Due Diligence Workshop

A few months back a series of clients began asking me questions that I didn’t have the answers to. I knew just enough about the topics to know what I didn’t know. One client wanted to know about building restrictions around a small body of water, another needed information about opening up land for a road through an existing forest, and a third was seeking support to enroll in the FONAFIFO Environmental Service Payment program.

Upcoming Permaculture Design Workshops with Porvenir Design

Upcoming Permaculture Design Workshops with Porvenir Design

Members of our team will be teaching a number of Permaculture Design Certification (PDC) courses in 2017 and 2018. For anyone interested in our consulting and design services these classes are an intensive jump start toward understanding our shared design language, a space to get to know our team, and will greatly enhance your ability to design and implement your own project.