12 Syntropic Farming Tips & Tricks + New Courses

12 Syntropic Farming Tips & Tricks + New Courses

Over the last few years of studying, designing and installing syntropic agroforestry systems, I have picked up a few small tips and tricks. Some of these are very practical and specific to species or management, others are based around the design concepts and principles. Regardless, I hope they provide some insights so that your work might move forward in succession.

What does Permaculture Ask of Us and What Does it Give Back?

What does Permaculture Ask of Us and What Does it Give Back?

I’m not interested in defending permaculture, nor defining it; not in an encompassing way at least. It is certainly not a silver bullet and it certainly has its flaws. It will not save the world.

What I am sharing here is why I believe permaculture and specifically permaculture education is useful in this complicated world. I am writing this article to move you closer to action, to change, to crossing some threshold where you trust your hands and their impact.

Costa Rica: Premio para Proyectos de Permacultura

Costa Rica: Premio para Proyectos de Permacultura

En Porvenir Design estamos comprometidos a apoyar a la comunidad de permacultura costarricense, y como parte de esta iniciativa, queremos ofrecer un premio de $1000 con junto con AVER y tres premios de $500 (USD) cada uno para proyectos activos de permacultura ubicados en Costa Rica.

Edible Flowers of the Tropics

Edible Flowers of the Tropics

As we look to find niches and stack functions in our tropical permaculture homesteads, one often overlooked group of plants include the edible flowers. With a focus on Costa Rica, this blog, authored primarily by Katie Browning, a certified herbalist, explores the many common and uncommon edible flowers available to us in the tropics. Most of these plants fit comfortably within the principles of permaculture and they can be described by the following set of patterns:

Porvenir Design Holistic Context (Eng/Esp)

Porvenir Design Holistic Context (Eng/Esp)

This article is about Holistic Management and decision making as a tool and how we use it in our business, Porvenir Design.

“Hi, I found your website researching vanilla. I want to know if you think my property would be good for growing vanilla to sell. I don’t need to get rich, I just need for it to cover the property expenses. I’m located near Quepos. Please let me know if you can help me set up my vanilla farm? Thank you!”

What to make of a client inquiry such as this? In some ways it is quite a simple question: can we help them set up this farm enterprise? There is a problem, though.

Projects, Permaculture Courses, Podcasts with Porvenir

Projects, Permaculture Courses, Podcasts with Porvenir

As usual our calendar is filling up! We have been running around the country with work, making mistakes, getting some things right, and learning and learning and learning. We been in Pavonnes, Parrita, Nosara, Santa Teresa, Turriabla, La Fortuna, Mastatal, Monteverde, Upala, and more for all sorts of projects big and small. Below is a peak at our main work over the last few months.

Corn Nixtamalization Recipes and Recommendations for Efficiency

Corn Nixtamalization Recipes and Recommendations for Efficiency

There’s nothing like the smell and flavor of real corn, baked into cornbread or roasted on a skillet as a tortilla. Corn has been grown and eaten in these ways for thousands of years throughout the Americas. Unfortunately, in many areas, genetically modified, chemical-dependent corn monocultures have given this plant a dicey reputation. But older corn varieties, grown organically on small farms and cooked using traditional methods, are a beautiful expression of corn’s real and wonderful legacy in the human diet.

Porvenir Design: Dry Season Progress Report

Porvenir Design: Dry Season Progress Report

Six months ago Porvenir Design SRL became an official corporation in Costa Rica. Since then our time has been full with a diversity of projects. As we sit in the middle of the Pacific coast dry season, we felt it was an opportune time to reflect on our progress and where we are heading this year.

How Mentorship will Help our Permaculture Community Grow

How Mentorship will Help our Permaculture Community Grow

Mentorship may be one of the biggest opportunities for growth in our fledgling permaculture movement. There is interest in professional careers as permaculture designers, but the field lacks quality mentoring opportunities. By these I mean mentoring in a specific field, by a professional who has years of experience, with the goal of developing a specific skill set and livelihood.