Syntropic Farming Primer: Online Course

Syntropic Farming Primer

Scott Gallant, one of the co-founders of Porvenir Design, will be collaborating with Javan Bernakevitch of Regenerative Living Online in the creation of a Syntropic Farming Primer Course.

October - November 2024 — 7 Weeks



Workshop Overview

Syntropic Farming is an agroforestry practice that has recently been gaining immense popularity as it moves around the world from its origin point at Ernst Gotsch’ farm in Bahia, Brazil. Widely regarded as one of the most innovative forms of agriculture today, Syntropic Farming is a unique process-based farming practice that helps you grow food from day 30 to year 30, all while reforesting the landscape.

Course Information

This course seeks to provide an understanding of how we can work from “clearing to clearing”, using forest succession as our model, in order to cultivate food and regenerate ecosystems. The primer is designed to provide an introduction to the concept of Syntropic Farming while laying out a clear framework to follow for anyone who wants to begin implementing these systems on their own property, anywhere in the world. Together we will move from theory to design to implementation, so that you can spend more time planting and managing your land, than having to second guess your design.

The examples will be drawn predominantly from the tropics of Costa Rica, where Scott Gallant, the facilitator works and resides, but also from Brazil, Mexico and the Mediterranean, where he has studied and visited numerous syntropic farming projects. 

Students will;

  • gain a clear understanding of the theory behind Syntropic Farming.

  • be able to articulate the principles and characteristics specific to Syntropic Farming.

  • create their own consortium of plants and build out a species list for their climate.

  • practice designing field plots under different contexts (their own, that of classmates, etc).

  • understand the process of implementing their own system from plant propagation to soil preparation to synchronized planting.

  • see examples of key management practices related to pruning, biomass management, etc.

  • explore various contexts from small scale urban spaces, to mechanized systems, to animal incorporation.

This English language course seeks to translate the key content of syntropic farming that is often only found in Portuguese. This is not an advanced course, nor a comprehensive exploration of the topic. It is a course that will present a complete picture of the essential concepts of Syntropic Farming, creating coherency, and most importantly presenting a simple roadmap for beginning your own planting, however small.

This course will give you the confidence to plant your first syntropic square meter! 

To find out more about the course here!